Saturday, December 09, 2006

news: conservative judaism decision on gays...

"Conservative Jews on Gays: Don't Ask, Don't Kvell

It took a decision of Talmudic complexity, but gay rabbis and gay unions may now be tolerated in Judaism’s third-largest branch


Dec. 06, 2006

Two Jews, three opinions. It’s an old joke, but, as a decision by Judaism’s Conservative branch Wednesday on the explosive topic of gay ordination and gay unions proved, still a valid one. Two slightly differing opinions handed down by Conservatism’s Committee on Jewish Law and Standards favored maintaining the branch’s official position forbidding homosexuality. But a third, contradictory opinion, affirmed both gay unions and ordination. And all it took was one out of three to change Conservative history: any rabbi is now free to perform such a union and any seminary to make such a rabbi."

- read more: time magazine